Your name or company name (*)
Square meters to be climated (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—From 0 to 250m2.From 250 to 1.000m2.From 1.000 to 3.000m2.From 3.000 to 10.000m2.More than 10.000m2.
Email (*)
Phone (*)
What do you need? (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Free quotationMore information
[group presupuesto]
ⓘ We would like to offer you a free quotation, but in order to do that we need more information. Please fill in the following fields:
What type of quotation do you need? (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Industrial coolingIndustrial heatingBoth, industrial cooling and heating State (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—AguascalientesBaja CaliforniaBaja California SurCampecheChiapasChihuahuaCiudad de MéxicoCoahuila de ZaragozaColimaDurangoGuanajuatoGuerreroHidalgoJaliscoMéxicoMichoacán de OcampoMorelosNayaritNuevo LeónOaxacaPueblaQuerétaro de ArteagaQuintana RooSan Luis PotosíSinaloaSonoraTabascoTamaulipasTlaxcalaVeracruz de Ignacio de la LlaveYucatánZacatecas City (*) Type of space (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Industrial buildingSport centrePrivate homeFood industryShop centreOthers Tipo de techo o cubierta (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—UralitaMetal roofTile roofPanel sandwichOthers Does it have any ventilation? (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Natural ventilation, not forcedForced ventilationBoth, forced and not forced ventilation Height of industrial building (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—from 0 to 3m.From 3 to 5m.From 5 to 10m.More than 10m.
[group calefaccion]
Is there currently a gas connection? (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Yes, there is a connectionThere is no gas connectionI don't know
[group gascerca]
Is there a gas connection nearby? (*) —Por favor, elige una opción—Yes, there is a gas connection nearbyNo gas connection nearbyI don't know
[group informacion]
ⓘ All right, our sales team will contact you as soon as possible. If you wish, you can write here the reason for your query:
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Fields marched by (*) are compulsory.